Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Breaking the Ground Strangle

Today we are going to continue our discussion on failed techniques and what we can do to keep the pressure on our attacker until we can finish them.

Lets look at the breaking ground strangle between the leg technique. In this technique your attacker has knocked you to the ground and is strangling you. You were lucky enough to get your legs wrapped around them in the closed guard position.

Now in a sport setting there are many ways of dealing with this and anyone trying to strangle you while in your guard is just asking to get tapped out. In a self-defence setting our responses are similar but still different.

==>Breaking Ground Strangle Follow-ups<==

To break the ground strangle between legs we:

  • Put our hand on their chin and lock their arms to us.
  • Push them away with your legs to remove the choke.
  • Strike their kidneys with your heels. (causes their head to come back further and distracts them)
  • Bring both legs over their shoulders and lock ankles behind their head.
  • Finish them with an arm lock (armbar).
  • Roll to the side, strike their groin.
  • Get out of there.
But as we bring our leg up to apply the arm lock (armbar) they pull their arms out. Now what do we do. We immediately move on to another technique!
  • Keep pushing on their chin, this keeps their head back and breaks their posture by keeping their spine out of alignment. 
  • Quickly drop your legs and hook or grapevine their leg and push out as hard as you can. Please be careful with your training partner as this is really hard on the back.
  • Palm strike back of their head with one of your hands to stun them.
  • Turn their head HARD!
  • Roll yourself and them to the side, you are now on top.
  • Hold their head / chin down.
  • Punch them in the neck to finish.

==>Breaking Ground Strangle Follow-ups<==

It's a nice chain of events but most importantly the techniques flow from one to the other without the need for major adjustments or releasing your control on the attacker.

As always is you are looking for more great videos or to learn the wonderful art of jiu-jitsu please check out our web site at There you will our distance education program so you can learn jiu-jitsu anywhere at your own pace.

If you would like to repost this blog article or the videos with in you may do so but must include the following credit "The above information / video has been provide by Koketsu Kai - Tiger's Den Jiu-jitsu and Grappling and is used with their permission,"


Jamie Rickard (Sensei)
Head Instructor
Koketsu Kai - Tiger's Den Jiu-jitsu and Grappling

Located at:
The Academy of Martial Arts
851 Princess Street
Kingston, Ontario

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