Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Variation is the spice of life…

Always remember that your syllabus, and it’s don’t matter what martial art, is only the starting point. To really understand any martial art system you need to study the syllabus and once you know it, start to play with it.

How does any one part fit into the whole of the system?
  • Is there other ways of doing this?
  • Is there other ways of getting to this technique?
  • What would I do if it didn’t work?
  • What would I do if this was done to me?

These are just a few of the questions you should be asking yourself. These questions will help you better fully understand your chosen art.

Taking something out of its original context and playing with variations will greatly help you remember and improve your abilities overall AND with the original technique. The great thing is that this is true to almost anything… martial arts, playing guitar, drawing, painting…

Have a look at this article: Variation is the key to deeper learning!

Now in closing please remember that while you SHOULD play around with the techniques in your syllabus you should NOT change your syllabus. There is a BIG difference between the two!

As always is you are looking for more great videos or to learn the wonderful art of jiu-jitsu please check out our web site at There you will our distance education program so you can learn jiu-jitsu anywhere at your own pace.

If you would like to repost this blog article or the videos with in you may do so but must include the following credit "The above information / video has been provide by Koketsu Kai - Tiger's Den Jiu-jitsu and Grappling and is used with their permission,"


Jamie Rickard (Sensei)
Head Instructor
Koketsu Kai - Tiger's Den Jiu-jitsu and Grappling

Located at:
SMA/Patry Total Fitness

745 Development Dr
Kingston, Ontario

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