Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Your Standing Arm Lock not Working?.... Try this!

So they bomb you with a straight punch. You block and strike them in the ribs then execute a standing arm lock but....

If you have been looking at my articles for a while now, you know I'm a big fan of chaining techniques together. Taking techniques out of the syllabus and linking in ways that make sense. It would be amazing if in a real fight that your first point of contact, your first technique was the one that ended the fight but in reality it often isn't.

Always remember you do what you practice!

Check out the standing arm lock and a few options of what you can do if it doesn't work out.

A nice training tip to help you flow from one technique to another is, when you're practicing your techniques and you find yourself out of position, instead of stopping and starting over quickly move to another technique that fits the situation. Go slow though as your partner likely will not be expecting this new technique.

As always is you are looking for more great videos or to learn the wonderful art of jiu-jitsu please check out our web site at There you will our distance education program so you can learn jiu-jitsu anywhere at your own pace.

If you would like to repost this blog article or the videos with in you may do so but must include the following credit "The above information / video has been provide by Koketsu Kai - Tiger's Den Jiu-jitsu and Grappling and is used with their permission,"


Jamie Rickard (Sensei)
Head Instructor
Koketsu Kai - Tiger's Den Jiu-jitsu and Grappling

Located at:
SMA/Patry Total Fitness

745 Development Dr
Kingston, Ontario

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