Many style of jiu-jitsu will have something similar and even grapplers may see some similarities with the ground game.
==>Straight Arm Lock Follow up Techniques<==
So your attacker grabs your wrist to pull your arm and punch you... BUT you grab their wrist and go to apply a straight arm lock. Now the problem is they are the cautious type and as soon as you go for the straight arm lock they pull their arm away!Now at this point you have three options;
- Panic!
- Freeze up
I have said if before and will say it again, if you haven't through about and practised it you have no chance of doing it when it counts.
So what can we do from here? Well if you have done the first part of the straight arm lock properly, and not stepped in front of the attacker, you are now 45 degrees or so to them. If you have stepped in front and given them your back, well... your going to get punched in the back of the head. Here are some options.
- Strikes (hit brings the head down and a strike to the back of the head or neck)
- Knee (a nice follow up after the strikes)
- Chokes (strike to the groin brings their head down, hit to the front of the throat, apply choke)
- Throws (front scissor, body drop... there are many that will work from here but make sure you strike them first)
- Take them into a ground control (remember to strike first)
Play with the different techniques you know see what feels natural to you. Just remember that you need to keep them hurt or off balance at all times (preferably both hurt AND off balance!)
==>Straight Arm Lock Follow up Techniques<==
As always is you are looking for more great videos or to learn the wonderful art of jiu-jitsu please check out our web site at There you will our distance education program so you can learn jiu-jitsu anywhere at your own pace.
Jamie Rickard (Sensei)
Head Instructor
Koketsu Kai - Tiger's Den Jiu-jitsu and Grappling
Located at:
The Academy of Martial Arts
851 Princess Street
Kingston, Ontario
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