The old grab
them by the hair and punch them, only out done by jersey attack (ie. Having
your shirt pulled over your head and then punched)! Does anybody ever really
grab somebody by the hair to punch them? I have only seen three or four actual
street fights in my time (altercations that when beyond pushing or one punch)
and one of them was in fact a grab the hair and punch attack.
The video
below from our jiu-jitsu distance education program shows one of the first ways
we learn to deal with this type of attack.
No matter
what the situation is there are some basic principles of self-defence, they are
as follows:
Don’t let
yourself be in a situation where you need to defend yourself in the first place.
This is the
most important concept of self-defence BUT not always possible. Don’t be in
places where you will likely need to defend yourself. (ie don’t wear your
Toronto Maple Leafs jersey to a Montreal Canadians game). Fairly common since
If you
find yourself in a situation that may require you to defend yourself get out of
there as quickly as possible.
situations just develop too quickly or unfold not how you expected them to.
Don’t wait for things to escalate, get clear as soon as you feel the rising
tension if at all possible. Don’t let your ego (and yes we all have one) get
you into trouble you don’t need. Now if you’re with family or friends getting
clear may not be easy or even possible.
assume your attacker is armed
Just because
you do not see a knife or gun does not mean that they do not have one. Always,
always assume they are armed.
Stop your
attackers attack before it starts!
Watch their
body language it will tell you a lot about what’s about to happen. Are they
closing their fists? Is their body tensing up getting ready to strike? Look for
the signs. Once you know you’re going to be into it, strike first, strike fast
and strike hard. End the fight before it starts. Your attacker is looking for
an upper body response (ie punch) from you so a low line attack (kick) to the
knee or groin is likely your best choice. Some people would call this starting
the fight but I disagree, the fight was already started, you just through the
first “punch” (and hopefully the last). Keep yourself safe first and worry
about other people’s perception second, though be aware that some people will
view you as starting the fight because you acted first.
Stop your
attackers attack
This can be
done in many ways.
Avoiding the attack
Blocking the attack
Counter attacking
A combination of the above
Blocking the attack
Counter attacking
A combination of the above
The option
above is the last one, the combination, so long as one of the options is the
counter attack. When you attack you leave yourself open to counter attack. When
an attacker punches he leaves that whole side of his body open; He’s committed to
his course action and defending your counter attack becomes very difficult. A
counter attack combined with a block or avoiding the attack is very powerful,
BUT your counter attack MUST take place at the same time as their attack. Do
NOT block / avoid then attack, start your attack AS you block / avoid. The
Jukoshin syllabus has many instances where we imply the block / avoid counter
Put them
on the ground
Now that you
have them hurt / distracted by your pre-emptive or counter attack, put them on
the ground, hard. Remember the ground hits harder than you do. How do you get
them there, throws or joint locks are the most common way (of which the
Jukoshin syllabus has many). Once on the ground give them a final hit to make
sure they stay down until you can get clear.
Get clear
Don’t hang
around, get out of there to a safe location / distance. Why chance it that they
may get up and attack you all over again. You just when through all that hard
work to keep yourself safe don’t waste it by staying in harm’s way. It should
also be noted that should your attacker need medical help that you need to get
it for them, once you get clear and are safe.
These are
the basic principles that you will see within the Jukoshin Ryu Jiu-jitsu syllabus
and one of the reasons the Jukoshin system is so effective.
Jamie Rickard (Sensei)
Head Instructor
Koketsu Kai - Tiger's Den Jiu-jitsu and Grappling